Custom Landscape Lighting
& Installation
in Rock Hill SC
Ground FX Landscaping and Water Features can design and install custom landscape lighting in Rock Hill SC. Our experienced landscape lighting professionals work with your style to create lasting memorable outdoor lighting scenes that perfectly accent your home.
Whether you want to be striking or subtle, we have landscape lighting solutions in Rock Hill. We work closely with you to find the right selection of color, luminance, and positioning to call attention to the features you want to showcase. We can also help you find solutions you never knew existed to bring your home to life.
Be the envy of your neighborhood with our outdoor landscape lighting services in Rock Hill SC
Landscape lighting design and installation is all about finding solutions that meet your needs. Your home is unique, and your landscape lighting should match its personality and feel.
A landscape lighting consultant in Rock Hill SC can help you find the right solutions to bring out the best in your home’s features. When you partner with our landscape lighting company, your home will be the envy of your neighbors and a place you’ll be proud to show off.
Landscape Lighting
Installation &
in Rock Hill SC
Ground FX Landscaping & Water Features provides expert landscape lighting installation and maintenance in Rock Hill SC and the surrounding area. Perhaps you’ve tried your hand at installing some lights purchased at a retail store. These solutions can look nice, but they can also be a hassle.
When you trust our experienced landscaping company in Rock Hill SC, we take care of everything for you. Using premium solutions from trusted name brands, we securely and safely install landscape lighting where it benefits your home most.
We also handle maintenance for landscape lighting in the Rock Hill region. If you have lights that aren’t holding up like they used to, give our team a call for fast solutions.
Landscape Lighting Design Tips
Many of our customers in the Rock Hill area tell us they tried to handle their own landscape lighting before calling our experts. Although we recommend consulting with one of our landscaping company in Rock Hill SC, we also understand that you may want to give landscape lighting design a shot on your own.
Below are some tips to help you if you want to give DIY landscape lighting a try:
Be Creative
Try different colors
Always contact an electrician for wiring work
Make sure lighting equipment is rated for outdoor use
Be mindful of security & use lighting effectively to highlight vulnerable areas
Place in-ground lights where they will not be a tripping hazard
Consider adjustable mounts in case you need to reposition lights later
If you find that you’re having a hard time with installation or simply choosing which lights you need to make your home look its best, Ground FX Landscaping & Water Features is here to help. Our experienced Rock Hill landscape lighting professionals can offer guidance to get the perfect outdoor lighting for your home, and we also take care of water feature lighting as well. If it’s an outdoor area, we can make it look great, both day and night.
The best part is that you don’t have to do anything to get the look you want. We take care of all of the hard work, and with all of our landscaping, hardscaping, and water feature services, we always treat your home as if it were our own. You deserve top-quality service from landscape lighting experts who care, so contact Ground FX Landscaping & Water Features to learn how we can make your home the envy of the neighborhood as it lights up the night.